© IRENA (2021)
We are pleased to announce the release of SolarCity simulator for Simara-Birgunj, an industrial corridor in Nepal.
SolarCity simulator is a web application developed by IRENA to assist homes, businesses, and municipalities to assess the prospects for electricity generation using rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems.
For homes and businesses, this customised simulator provides a means to calculate solar PV potential, annual energy production, annual revenue, payback period, and social-environmental benefits. For municipal authorities, the simulator supports assessments of different policy instruments and incentive schemes, such as generation or capital subsidies.
For more information about rooftop solar PV implementation in Nepal, reach out to AEPC (info@aepc.gov.np).
Countries can reach out to IRENA (GARE@irena.org) to develop and promote their own SolarCity Simulator